The LESCO sign language that develops soft skills in the inclusive education at Saint Joseph School, Moravia during the first semester of 2022

Elisa Bravo González, María José Herrera Araya y Julio César Castro Miranda

Ciencias de la Educación
Carreras de Educación


The purpose and present work analyze is to find strategies that help the students at Saint Joseph School to be more open to learning an inclusive language such as Costa Rican sign language: Lesco. However, this opportunity to allow students to understand, develop and share soft skills towards deaf people played an important role today, but having an inclusive education shows people's concern and consideration towards people with disabilities. The schools Costa Rica since 2020, has tried to implement Lesco in their classes but there still a lot of work to do about it.. Therefore, this work was created to provide teachers with strategies to incorporate sign language into the educational system to help deaf students who may one day enter school. Those strategies will be applied through an introductory Lesco class during break camp in July 2022. The most notable resource was the proposal design based on LESCO design based on the results of this investigation.

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