The impact of covid-19 in higher education classes, in the English teaching for I and II cycle mayor at Universidad Hispanoamericana

Karla María Avalos Charpentier, Paula Brenes Ferreto

Ciencias de la Educación
Carreras de Enseñanza del Inglés


This project is carried out with the intention of examining the impact that the online classes has had in professors and students during the second semester 2021, in the English Teaching for I and II cycles major, in Universidad Hispanoamericana Costa Rica, due to COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, this research is based on a study conducted in which five higher education professors, and seven career students participated. Class observations, teacher interviews and a student questionnaire were conducted with the purpose of determining the impact students, and teachers have had with online classes and with their teaching and learning process.

Both teachers and students, determined that the methodology and activities proposed during the online classes were very helpful to make student to focus and motivate themselves during their learning experience; however, the adaptation process was a bit difficult for students, and not so much for teachers. The perceptions of students and professors were considered, and their opinions are varied; therefore, the best strategies applied to virtual classes and the opinion of professors and students regarding this new modality of higher study in the world, are determined in this research.